Posted at 18 Jul, 16:16h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share BruxZir Solid Zirconia Full-Arch Implant Prosthesis. Step-by-step Restorative Protocol
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:15h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share Emergence Profile Design Based on Implant Position in the Esthetic Zone.
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:14h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share Implantes en niños: una revisión bibliogáfica.
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:13h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share Ten-year follow-up in a maxillary sinus augmentation using aznorganic bovine bone (Bio-Oss). A case report with histomorphometric evaluation.
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:12h in Maxilar Inferior, PRÓTESIS Share Prothèse amovible complète unimaxillaire: les difficultés liées à l’oclusion .
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:10h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share On the Feasibility of Utilizing Allogeneic Bone Blocks for Atrophic Maxillary Aumentation.
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:09h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share Indentification card and codification of the chemical and morphological characteristics of 62 dental implant surfaces.
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:07h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share The use of zygomatic implants for prosthetic rehabilitation of the severely resorbed maxilla
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:06h in CIRUGIA, Implantología Share Carga inmediata de implantes monofásicos, postextraccón utilizando los expansore roscados atraumáticos: estudio retrospectivo 2001-2011.
Posted at 18 Jul, 16:06h in Maxilar Inferior, PRÓTESIS Share Puente inplantosoportado frente a próteis parcial removible. Consideraciones de terapéutica diferencias a partir de un caso clínico (I).